my name is Marc Andre Rath, 22 years old and currently studying visual communication at the hochschule fuer gestaltung schwaebisch gmuend. i learned a lot, techniques and tools to do things right. developed a love for type-, motion-, logo design editorial and information visualization. i am very happy to be active in the field of design, learning everyday. right now i am interested in an internship at your agency. if you like what you see drop me a line, via my contact site.
born . stuttgart
2005 - 2008
middle school . schwaebisch hall
2000 - 2005
technical secondary school . schwaebisch hall
2008 - 2009
computer science . university stuttgart
2010 -
communication design . hfg schwaebisch gmuend
07-09.2006 / 08-09.2007 / 07-09.2008
AKG Data InformationTechnology Consulting
assembling and repairing computer and computer parts, searching and fixing computer problems, cleaning operating systems from viruses, installing and reinstalling software and operating systems, research for software, extended the intranet (html), designed busi- nesscard, visited customers installing and maintaining different kind of hardware11.2009 - 01.2010
BERA GmbH personnel service provider
conception and design of image-posters, set and assign vacancies, designing in-house ties and kerchiefs, participate in designing image brochures and online vacancies, designing an in-house Pic- ture Calendar, audio recording and cutting, web-research for adver- tising material, sample purchase and enquiry, competitor analysis regarding websites and claims, adress research
german | native
english | fluent
spanish | basic
html | good
css | good


marc andre rath
schoenblickstrasze 3
74541 vellberg