.music visualization
third semester | cymatic music visualization
the music visualization during the third semester is a big thing at the hfg. one of the first larger projects. most of the visualizations take place on a screen. we decided to move to the physical world. with water and loudspeakers.
third semester | cymatic music visualization
we did some prototypes to see if the cymatic technique is working out. the art of making pictures with soundwaves. pretty early we decided to take that path and did everything to make this project possible.
third semester | cymatic music visualization
we organized wooden cones from an professional manufacturer, to be table legs is there real purpose. and not so cheap acrylic glass tubes. the 12 inch loudspeakers, the rubber spray and the wires we ordered at a shop for electronics.
third semester | cymatic music visualization
third semester | cymatic music visualization
third semester | cymatic music visualization
third semester | cymatic music visualization